Cartridge technology
A specially designed cartridge facilitates an optimum nebulization of the fragrance oil.
Within the cartridge there is both the fragrance oil and a small, high pressure nebulizer. RS makes sure all cartridges are safely filled and sealed, ready for use. The fragrance cartridge is simply placed in the fragrance machine and connected to the nebulizing pump. The cartridge only emits a 100% aerosol of the fragrance oil. This way the fragrance does not loose any intensity.
Three different kinds of cartridges are available:
RSC-Event A small cartridge ( 50 ml) for event use up to 24 hours
RSC-200 A 200 ml cartridge for periods up to 100 hours ( 20 days)*
RSC-400 A 400 ml cartridge for extended and intensive use up to 200 hours*
* Retroscent fragrance machines use, on average, between 0.5 ml to 5 ml per cartridge, per hour, dependently on intensity and timer settings. An average consumption would be 9 to 10 ml per 8 hour day with normal use. We speak of normal use when both timer and intensity are set to 50%.